Board Members

Prof. Jingchun Shao, PhD Beijing, China

Personal Details Born in 1956, married
Education 1988 Ph.D., Peking University
1985 LLM., Peking University
1982 LL.B., Peking University
Current Occupation Professor of Peking University Law School
Academic Activities Memberships of:
China International Economic Law Society
MCIArb, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London,
Chinese Society of International Law
Chinese Society of Private International Law
Professional Positions & Activities:
Vice President, China International Economic and Trade Law Association
Supervisor, The Laws of the People’s Republic of China (English Version of Chinese Law Collection), Legislative Affairs Commission, Standing Committee of National People’s Congress
Arbitrator/Conciliator, ICSID, World Bank Group (New York)
Arbitrator, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Beijing), 1995-2005
Advisor, All China Lawyers Association (Beijing),2003 - present
Visiting Professor of Law, Hong Kong Shue Yan College
Visiting Professor of Law, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
My ICLA-Philosophy ICLA is a really a worldwide great creation, it will definitely contribute to the globalization of the world and provide such a good platform for professionals of different countries and regions to communicate and learn each other.